Kitchen Fire Suppression Systems

Need a Fire Extinguisher Certification in Coppell?

Place a call to us right away at 972-724-7800 to see that your fire extinguishers are updated and do not incur violation charges or experience inefficiency. We are available to attend to you.

Emergency Lighting Inspections

Keeping up with your exit and emergency lights can be a chore. Let the trained staff at Fire Shield take the hassle of you and guarantee your lights mark the way in a time of need.

Kitchen Fire Suppression Systems

Restaurants, and similar businesses with kitchens, face higher risks of fires than many other industries. The reason for this is quite simple. These commercial kitchens make their food at extremely high temperatures. That’s not all, a lot of oil, grease, and other flammable equipment is used often. As a result, it is expedient to put in place adequate fire safety measures to prevent and combat the spread of a fire outbreak. The best option to this end is a kitchen fire suppression system and K Class fire extinguishers. If you operate a restaurant, bakery, or any other business that uses a kitchen, these two are a must.

At Fire Shield Fire Protection, Inc. we use highly trained and experienced personnel to serve our customers. Throughout the City of Coppell we are capable of handling all fire safety concerns in your kitchens. We provide reliable suppression systems that keep your kitchen and entire building safe from fires. We only use quality kitchen hood suppression systems and parts, so you can be assured of optimal performance, at all times.

Inspection, Maintenance, and Testing of Kitchen Fire Suppression Systems

If you’re really serious about protecting your restaurant from the possibility of a fire outbreak, you’d know that routine checks and testing of your suppression systems are a primary necessity. Without these inspections, maintenance, and testing operations, you run a very high risk of incurring heavy losses from a fire outbreak.

Here at Fire Shield Fire Protection, Inc. we are available to handle all your customized kitchen suppression system needs. We are here to provide all that your kitchen needs in designing, installing, and maintenance of kitchen hood fire suppression systems.

Prevent every chance of a fire outbreak in your restaurant or bakery. When you choose Fire Shield Fire Protection, Inc. wherever you are in Coppell, you can focus solely on making the best kinds of meals for your customers! You won’t have to worry about fires at all!


Have questions about our fire protection services? We’d love to hear from you!